Client had a blood test above the legal limit and admitted having two beers at a local bar. My client had just left he bar when he was arrested. The blood draw was shortly after driving. At the end of the case, I was able to help the jury see that there were reasonable doubts that my client was intoxicated at the time of driving.
Client was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony. I was able to both avoid a felony conviction or any other conviction and get this charged reduced to a misdemeanor, and a short, deferred probation.
My client was going through a very hard time in his life and got arrested with a felony possession of cocaine. I was able to help my client get this case completely dismissed for my client, and he was allowed to move on with his life.
My client had almost 4 grams of methamphetamine and was facing a felony charge and possible prison time. I was able to get this charge reduced to a misdemeanor and deferred, so my client completely avoided a conviction.
My client was parked on the side of the road, asleep with his wife after a long day. My client had been drinking, there was no question. However, there was some question about who was driving. Eventually, I was able to convince the prosecutor of this problem with the case and the case was dismissed.